End of Life Story

My Parents’ Journey: Together to the End

I wasn’t prepared for my mom to be diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in California 12 years ago. I also wasn’t prepared for my dad to be diagnosed with cognitive impairment. They were high school sweethearts, married for 53 years, and always madly in love. 

My dad hired Keen Home Care to provide personal care for my mom as the Parkinson’s continued to progress. Over time, my mom began having swallowing problems and was hospitalized with pneumonia. When she returned home, her doctor recommended a hospice evaluation. I wasn’t prepared for that word. What did this mean? Was she going to die in the next few days or weeks? 

At the same time, my dad’s dementia was slowly progressing. The Keen Life Care Manager had to step in and start coordinating doctor’s appointments and medications and managing affairs around the house. My dad also was experiencing new problems with weakness in his shoulder, which moved into his left leg. The neurologist said it was from…

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